Forest School Blog - Tuesday 19th May

Can you believe it's 'Terrific' Tuesday again!

The sun is shining and 1/2 term is in sight.  


Want to walk like a fox? We have taken this from another Forest School Leaders site - it links with mental health and the environment around us.  Before you decide it's not for you....just take a minute and read through.  What harm is there is giving it a go?.....


One element of Forest School, that we really believe in,  is that in sessions we give you the opportunity for some 'child-led' learning.  It might be we introduce a game and you change and develop into your own.  It might be we start talking about one thing and it leads to an investigation of how soil is formed or a group of you set your own challenge to make a fort....which turns into a volcano and lava game and happens to take the whole of after school club to play!  These moments are magical and it when the real understanding and development happens.

With this is mind.  We challenge you to email your class teacher with some Forest School ideas that we can share with the whole school to challenge them to try over 1/2 term.

You could send us: drawings, photographs and/or written instructions


Week 9

Well, I spoke too soon, there was an unexpected night frost at the end of last week and a few of my plants have not survived.  I'm not deterred.  I have planned some more seeds in the greenhouse to replace them.  Whilst sowing the seeds I began to wonder....why when you plan a seed - for some the germinate and produce a plant that then goes on to produces a single vegetable - carrot/onion.  While others - you sow one miniscule seed and the plant it produces goes on to deliver multiple vegetables - peas/chilli/tomatoes.  Can you think of other examples? Nature is AMAZING!

Sunflower update - do you remember in week 7 I told you about the sunflower seeds I planted under mini greenhouses made from recycled plastic bottles? Well, if you look closely at the photo, you can see green shoots sprouting!  If the warm weather continues I will be able to remove their protective cocoons.

Mrs Cherry will be blogging on Friday, so I will wish you a happy and safe 1/2 term.

Mrs Turland & Mrs Cherry
