Forest School blog - Friday 12th June 2020

Good morning everyone!

This week's blog is all about the rainy weather. Below you will find some fun experiments you can do at home that relate to the weather.

Making Rainbows

Rainbows are made when there is both sunlight and rain at the same time. As the white light that we usually see passes through the water droplets, it bends (refracts) and separates into the seven colours of the rainbow. White light is really made up of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. You can only see the rainbow if the light is behind you and the water is in front of you.


  • Water
  • glass container
  • light coloured surface/paper/sheet
  • cd / mirror
  • a sunny day or a torch
  • water hose / watering can


Here are a few ways to make a light rainbow.

1) Stand with the sun behind you and spray a hose of water or pour a watering can to make a fountain. Look for a rainbow of light with the water.


2) Hold up a container / glass of water so the sunlight goes through it. Place a white sheet / paper onto the ground the other side and spot your rainbow.


3) Place a mirror / old cd partially submerged in to a container of water. make sure the mirror / cd is angled to face the sun and place your paper / sheet in between the water and the sunlight.


4) Hold a glass of water in front of a window where sunlight is passing through. Hold your paper underneath and watch the rainbow appear.


a. How can you make the biggest / brightest rainbow?

b. Does changing the angle of your mirror or height of the water, make a difference?

c. Can you think of any other ways to make your own rainbow?

Have a play !!!

How much does it rain?

Take a plastic drink bottle and cut around it about 10cm down from the cap, remove the lid. Turn it upside down, pop it back onto the bottle and tape in place. You now have a rain gauge. Pop it outdoors and see how much rain you can collect in a day!

Evaporation Investigation

What happens to the rain after the rain? Find out for yourself ....

Sprinkle water on a hard surface in the sun, and a hard surface in the shade. Chalk a line around the damp patch and time how long it takes to evaporate in each area.

Knot of the Week

You will need two pieces of string for this knot.

Wildlife in Mrs Cherry's garden

Below are a couple of pictures taken of some of the wildlife that Mrs Cherry has found in her garden this week.

If you have any pictures of wildlife in your garden, send them in and we will put them on the blog.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Cherry and Mrs Turland
